
Place Value And Expanded Form

Place value in Maths describes the position or identify of a digit in a number. Each digit has a identify in a number. When we represent the number in full general form, the position of each digit will exist expanded. Those positions outset from a unit place or we also call information technology one'south position. The lodge of place value of digits of a number of right to left is units, tens, hundreds, thousands, x thousand, a hundred thousand, and and then on.

Let us empathise with the assistance of an instance, say 7231468, and run into the below effigy for the identify value of each digit.

Place value of digits

Effort more here: Place Value Worksheets

Place Value Nautical chart

In Mathematics, identify value charts help united states to make sure that the digits are in the correct places. To place the positional values of numbers accurately, first, write the digits in the place value chart and then write the numbers in the usual and the standard form.

The 10 digits we used to correspond the numbers are:

Here, we provided the identify value nautical chart of the Indian System for reference. Go through this chart and detect the place value of the given number.

For Indian System

The Indian System of identify value chart is given beneath.

Place Value Chart For Indian Organisation


Lakhs Thousands


Ten Crores


(10, 00,00,000)

Crores (C)

(1, 00,00,000)

Ten Lakhs (TL)





10- Thousands (TTh)


Thousands (Th)


Hundreds (H)








For International System

Place Value Chart For International Organisation




Hundred- Millions


(100, 000,000)


(10, 000,000)



Hundred -Thousands (HTh)


Ten- Thousands (TTh)


Thousands (Thursday)


Hundreds (H)








Comparison Between Indian and International System

In both systems,  five-digit numbers are read in the aforementioned mode. Here, we will accept a look at the comparison of how to read the numbers in both the Indian and International systems.

No. of. Digits

Indian System

International Arrangement

six-Digit Numbers

      ane Lakh

      100 Thou

seven-Digit Numbers

      10 Lakhs

    one Million

viii-Digit Numbers

      1 Crore

x Million

9-Digit Numbers

10 Crores

      100 Million

Place Value for Decimals

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones . Tenths Hundredths
  • Identify value tells you lot how much each digit stands for
  • Use a hyphen when you utilise words to write 2-digit numbers greater than twenty that have a digit other than zero in the one'south place.
  • A identify-value chart tells you how many hundreds, tens, and ones to use.

Place Value Tabular array

Number Place Value Value of digit
67,891,234 Units / Ones 4
67,891,234 Tens 30
67,891,234 Hundreds 200
67,891,234 Thousands 1,000
67,891,234 Ten thousand xc,000
67,891,234 Hundred thousand 800,000
67,891,234 Millions seven,000,000
67,891,234 Ten meg lx,000,000

Zeros may stand up for aught, only that doesn't mean yous can go out them out. They keep other digits in the right places.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
2 0 iv 0

Recollect: 2 thousand + 0 hundred + 4 tens + 0 ones

Write: 2,040

Say: 2 yard Forty

Face Value in Maths

The confront value of a digit is the value of the digit itself, in a number. Whether the number is single-digit, double-digit, or iii-digit or whatever number, each digit has its face value. Let united states understand with the help of examples.

  1. For number ii, ii is the face value.
  2. For number 89, the face value of 8 and 9 are 8 and 9 respectively.
  3. For 52369, the face value of 3 is 3.

Difference Between Place Value and Confront Value

From the definition, we know place value states the position of a digit in a given number, whereas face value describes the value of the digit.

Permit u.s. take an instance of a number say, 2456. Cheque the table beneath to sympathize the divergence.


Place Value Face Value










6 Units or ones

half dozen

Place Value Through The Millions

    Millions Period   Thousands Period        One'southward Period

The digits in large numbers are in groups of three places. The groups are called periods. Commas are usually used to separate the periods.

Allow usa take an instance of a number, 71502700. Bank check the position of each digit in the given tabular array below.

Hundred 1000000 Ten Million  Millions Hundred 1000  Ten Thousand Thousands Hundreds    Tens  Ones
seven 1 5 0 2 seven 0 0

Solved Examples

Instance ane:

Write the number 27349811 in the International place value system. Also, write it with commas and in words.


T.Yard Grand H.Thursday T.Th Th H T O
2 7 iii 4 ix viii 1 1

With commas – 27,349,811

In words – Twenty-seven 1000000 3 hundred forty-nine thousand eight hundred eleven.

Example 2:

In the number 783425, write the digit that is in –

(a) hundreds place (b) hundred g identify

(c)  ten thousand'due south place (d) One's place


(a) A number in hundreds identify is 4

(b) A number in hundred grand's place  is vii

(c) A number in 10 thousand'due south place is 8

(d) A number in Ane'due south place is v

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Practise Questions

  1. Find the place value of:
    • 2 in 230
    • 4 in 1490
    • 9 in 129
    • 6 in 67878
  2. Expand the numbers representing the place value of each digit.
    • 799
    • 56788
    • 101000
    • 1119

Often Asked Questions – FAQs

What is Place Value? Requite case.

The place value is the position of each digit in a number. The place value of digits is determined equally ones, tens, hundreds, thousands,ten-thousands and and so on, based on their position in the number. For example, the identify value of 1 in 1002 is thousands, i.e.chiliad.

What is the place value of half-dozen in 64?

The place value of 6 in 64 is 6 tens or lx, such that, 6 tens plus 4 is equal to 64.

What is the identify value of 1 in 100?

The place value of one in 100 is hundreds place, i.east. 1 ten 100 = 100.

What is the place value of 2 in 123456? Likewise, expand the number.

The place value of two in 123456 is ten-thousands, such that, two x 10,000 = 20000.
Expanded form of 123456 = i x 100000 + 2 x 10000 + 3 x 1000 + 4 10 100 + 5 10 10 + 6.

What is the place value of 0 in 209?

The place value of 0 in 209 is tens.

How place value is unlike from confront value?

The place value represents the position of a digit in the number but the face value shows the exact value of a digit.
For example, in 2003, the place value of 2 is thousands whereas the face value is 2 but.

Place Value And Expanded Form,


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